what exercise to burn belly fat

10 months ago 30

There are many exercises that can help with burning belly fat. Aerobic or cardio exercises are a great way to burn off unwanted belly fat. Walking, running, biking, rowing, swimming, cycling, and group fitness classes are some great cardio exercises for belly fat. Weight training is also an important part of burning off belly fat. Some weight training exercises for belly fat include bicep curls, lunges, and squats. Other types of exercise such as strength training, Pilates, and yoga can also help you lose belly fat. Its important to note that spot reduction isnt a viable approach to losing belly fat, so its best to do general full-body exercises that burn fat all-around. Here are some exercises that can help you burn belly fat:

  • Burpees
  • Mountain climbers
  • Turkish get-ups
  • Medicine ball burpees
  • Standing crunches
  • Side crunches
  • Russian twist
  • Reverse crunch extension
  • Reach through
  • Plank

These exercises are great for people of any age and can be done at home without any equipment.