what goes on a business card

11 months ago 31

A business card is an essential marketing tool that should contain pertinent information about your brand. Here are some key pieces of information to include on a business card:

  • Logo: Display your logo prominently on the front of your business card. Use a high-quality image at 300dpi to ensure the edges appear crisp when printed. Try not to add text too close to the logo or scale it too big, and remember to let it breathe with a little white space.

  • Company name: Include your company name on the front or back of your business card.

  • Tagline: If applicable, include a tagline that conveys your business identity.

  • Your name & title: Include your name and job title on the front or back of your business card.

  • Contact details: Include your email address and phone number, as these are key pieces of information for a business card. Align your contact details left, right, or center and choose a font thats easy to read. If you prefer one communication method over the other, emphasize it with a larger size or prominent placement.

  • Your address - online or physical: Consider adding your website or social media handles to your business card. If you have a physical address, you can include that as well.

In addition to the above, here are some creative ideas to make your business card stand out:

  • QR code: Consider adding a QR code so customers can quickly find additional information about your business.

  • Plenty of color: Use high-color visuals that connect to your personal or business brand and personality. You can also use thick paper with a color edge to make your card stand out.

  • Textured effect: Opt for a textured effect such as embossing or letterpress to make your card more tactile.

Remember to keep your business card design simple and easy to read. Use both sides of the card if necessary, and make sure the information flows nicely with one another.