what happens if you use an expired covid test

1 year ago 108

Expired COVID-19 tests can give false results, but the expiration dates have been extended for many brands. The FDA typically authorizes at-home COVID-19 tests with a shelf-life of about four to six months from the day the test was manufactured, based on initial study results, and it may be extended later as additional data is collected. If you have a test that has an extended expiration date, your test should work and give you accurate results. However, the FDA does not recommend using at-home COVID-19 diagnostic tests beyond their authorized expiration dates. If you have an expired test, the FDA advises against using it to determine if you have COVID-19, as the results might not be accurate. It is important to note that long exposure to high temperatures may impact the test performance, and if your test has been left in a high temperature environment beyond the normal shipping time to be delivered to you, the FDA recommends considering using a different test.