what humidity level is uncomfortable

1 year ago 55

Humidity levels are measured by the relative humidity (RH) and the dew point, and the latter is a better indicator of how humidity feels for humans. The higher the dew point, the more moisture there is in the air, and the more uncomfortable it will feel outside. The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) typically considers relative humidity levels of 50% or more and dew points above 65% to be uncomfortably high. However, the ideal comfortable humidity level range for indoor spaces is between 40% and 60% . When humidity and dew points reach certain temperatures, the moisture in the air will be at a higher concentration, negatively affecting comfort levels and even overall general health. In general, most people are comfortable with a relative humidity level of 30% to 50% . Higher levels are uncomfortable because theres too much moisture in the air, while lower levels can cause dry skin, lips, and eyes, itchiness, and a sore throat.