"What/If" is a Netflix series that premiered in May 2019. It is an anthology series, where each season will tackle a different morally murky scenario. The first season is about a mysterious venture capitalist named Anne Montgomery, played by Renee Zellweger. The show has received mixed reviews, with some critics calling it a "bad network series thats on Netflix", while others have called it "tremendous fun". Here are some key takeaways from the reviews:
Positive reviews:
- The show is "tremendous fun".
- It is a "captivating bit of cheese".
- Renee Zellweger's performance is a highlight.
Negative reviews:
- The show is "just a bad network series that's on Netflix".
- It is a "soapy, unwatchable dud".
- The show is "dumb and predictable".
Overall, the reviews suggest that "What/If" is a show that some viewers may enjoy if they are in the mood for a soapy drama, but it may not be for everyone.