what insect makes a highpitched noise at night

1 year ago 119

Some insects make high-pitched noises at night, and these sounds can be quite loud and annoying. Here are some insects that are known for making noise at night:

  • Cicadas: Cicadas are known for their loud buzzing sound, which often builds up to a crescendo before abruptly ending. The males produce this sound to attract females for mating.

  • Katydids: Katydids produce a sound that is similar to the sound of a buzzing electric razor. The males produce this sound to attract females for mating.

  • Crickets: Crickets produce a chirping sound that is often described as a high-pitched trill. The males produce this sound to attract females for mating.

Its worth noting that these insects are not the only ones that make noise at night, but they are some of the most common ones. If you're having trouble sleeping due to the noise, there are some things you can do to reduce the sound, such as using earplugs or playing white noise.