what is 5g standalone

1 year ago 44

5G standalone (SA) is a type of 5G network that is built from start to finish specifically for 5G. It combines a 5G radio access network (RAN) and a 5G core network, which is designed as a Service Based Architecture (SBA) that virtualizes network functions altogether. Unlike 5G non-standalone (NSA), which uses a 4G LTE core, 5G SA uses a dedicated 5G core that can unlock capabilities like faster upload speeds, ultra-low latency, and support for new use cases. At-scale, 5G SA will deliver lower costs for wireless carriers and a better user experience. Standalone NR, coupled with cloud-native 5G Core, will provide better support for all use cases and unlock the full range of 5G features that enterprises need for factory automation, autonomous vehicle operation, and more.