what is a auditory learner

11 months ago 21

An auditory learner is someone who learns best through listening and speaking. They understand and remember things they have heard, and they store information by the way it sounds. Auditory learners may have a knack for ascertaining the true meaning of someones words by listening to audible signals like changes in tone. They often learn by reading out loud because they have to hear it or speak it in order to know it. Auditory learners are good at writing responses to lectures theyve heard and are also good at oral exams. They solve problems by talking them through and may move their lips or talk to themselves to help accomplish tasks. Some characteristics of auditory learners include:

  • They learn best when listening to the information.
  • They store information by how it sounds.
  • They often learn by reading out loud.
  • They may hum or talk to themselves or others if they become bored.
  • They are good at writing responses to lectures theyve heard and are also good at oral exams.
  • They solve problems by talking them through.
  • They may move their lips or talk to themselves to help accomplish tasks.

Recommended techniques for teaching auditory learners include verbal direction, group discussions, verbal reinforcement, group activities, reading aloud, and using multimedia curriculum. To maximize their learning potential, auditory learners can sit where they can hear, have their hearing checked on a regular basis, use flashcards to learn new words, read stories, assignments, or directions out loud, record themselves spelling words and then listen to the recording, have test questions read to them out loud, and study new material by reading it out loud.