what is a boil

1 year ago 60

A boil is a painful, pus-filled bump that forms under the skin as a result of a bacterial infection of one or more hair follicles. It usually starts as a red, tender bump and can enlarge to more than 2 inches. Boils are commonly caused by the bacterium Staphylococcus aureus and can occur anywhere on the skin, but they are most likely to appear in hair-bearing areas where there is friction or sweating, such as the face, neck, armpits, thighs, and buttocks. Good home care can often clear up a single boil, but medical attention is required for severe or recurring cases. Treatment may include antibiotics and lancing. It's important not to attempt to prick or squeeze a boil, as this may spread the infection. If a boil doesn't heal after a week of home care, it's recommended to call a doctor