what is a career pathway

11 months ago 19

A career pathway is a workforce development strategy used in the United States to support workers’ transitions from education into and through the workforce. It is an integrated collection of programs and services intended to develop students’ core academic, technical, and employability skills; provide them with continuous education, training; and place them in high-demand, high-opportunity jobs. Career pathways are designed to provide a clear sequence of education courses and credentials that meet the skill needs of high-demand industries.

Career pathways consist of a series of manageable education and training steps toward industry-aligned skills, credentials, and career advancement. Each step is designed to prepare people for employment while providing a clear pathway to the next level of education and training within an industry. Pathways may also include necessary credentials and supportive services.

Career pathways can offer an efficient and customer-centered approach to training and education by connecting the necessary adult basic education, occupational training, postsecondary education, career and academic advising, and supportive services for students to prepare for, obtain, and progress in a career.

There are two kinds of career paths: an organizational career path and a personal career path. An organizational career path is a career path that you create with your direct manager, with the goal of climbing a career ladder within a company. A personal career path is a long-term plan that includes specific steps or tasks that help you advance to a desirable occupation or new role.

Career pathways are organized into small groups of occupations within a career cluster. Occupations within a pathway share common skills, knowledge, and interests. Career pathways help trainees and training providers think about employment in terms of careers and advancement, not just as a single job. The idea is to give people in low-wage jobs or with few skills the opportunity to access better jobs and to help employers meet their needs for skilled workers.