what is a certificate movie

11 months ago 26

In India, films screened in cinemas and on television may only be publicly exhibited after certification by the Central Board of Film Certification (CBFC) . The CBFC issues four certificates: U, U/A, A, and S. The certificates and guidelines determine the suitability of the film for different audiences based on factors such as violence, sexual content, and language.

  • U Certificate: Films with the U certification are unrestricted and can be watched by all audiences, including children.

  • U/A Certificate: Films with the U/A certification can contain moderate adult themes that are not strong in nature and are not considered appropriate to be watched by a child below 12 years of age without parental guidance. These films may contain moderate to strong violence, moderate sexual scenes, frightening scenes, blood flow, or muted abusive language.

  • A Certificate: Films with the A certification are restricted to adults (aged 18+) and can contain violence, explicit and strong sexual scenes, abusive language, but words which insult or degrade women or any social group and nudity are not allowed. Some controversial and adult themes are considered unsuitable for young viewers.

  • S Certificate: Films with the S certification are restricted to specialized audiences, such as doctors or scientists.

The CBFC may refuse to certify a film. If a film is A certified, it means that the film is restricted to adults, and nobody of age 18 and below is allowed to watch that movie. The certification of movies is compulsory in India, and the CBFC is responsible for the process of previewing films and making decisions about certification.