what is a everything shower

11 months ago 21

An "everything shower" is a self-care routine that involves taking care of every part of your body while showering. It is a viral trend on TikTok that has gained popularity among Gen Z and millennials. The routine can take anywhere from two to four hours to complete. The steps involved in an everything shower vary from person to person, but they typically include:

  • Pre-shower prep: This may involve applying a hair mask, a face mask, or teeth whitening strips. Some people also like to light candles or play music to set the mood.

  • Showering: During the shower, people use a variety of products to cleanse, exfoliate, and moisturize their skin. They may also deep condition their hair, shave, and use self-tanner.

  • Post-shower: After the shower, people may apply body lotion, facial moisturizer, or other skincare products. Some people also like to put on a fluffy robe or light a scented candle to continue the self-care experience.

The everything shower is seen as a form of self-care that can be beneficial for mental health. It is an opportunity to take a break from a busy schedule and treat oneself with kindness and self-compassion. However, not everyone has the time or patience for an everything shower, and some people prefer to take a "nothing shower" where they simply run hot water and zone out.