what is a fractured fairy tale

1 year ago 52

A fractured fairy tale is a retelling of a traditional fairy tale where some of the story elements are changed. The genre of fairy tale parody, also known as fractured fairy tales, has grown in popularity following the “Fractured Fairy Tales” segment on The Rocky and Bullwinkle Show in 1959, where well-known fairy tales were presented with altered storylines for a modern audience. Fractured fairy tales are often created as new literary stories, movies, or television shows. They subvert, shatter, and alter understandings of classic fairy tales, with the digital revolution significantly contributing to the dissemination of these new tales in the 21st century. Fractured fairy tales often change the characters, setting, point of view, or plot to a humorous effect. They can also be mashups of two or more fairy tales combined into something new.