what is a garrote

11 months ago 17

A garrote, also spelled garrote or garotte, is a weapon used to strangle a person. It is usually a handheld ligature made of chain, rope, scarf, wire, or fishing line. The term "garrote" can also refer to a rope and stick used to constrict a limb as a torture device. There are different types of garrotes, including those made of ropes, cloth, cable ties, fishing lines, nylon, guitar strings, telephone cord, or piano wire. A stick may be used to tighten the garrote, and the Spanish word refers to the stick itself.

The garrote has been used as an assassination weapon and as a method of execution. It was the standard civilian method of execution in Spain, introduced in 1812/13. The garrote was also used in the Middle Ages in Spain. In one form, it consists of an iron collar attached to a post, and the victims neck is placed in the collar, which is slowly tightened by a screw until asphyxiation occurs. Another form of garrote is a length of wire with wooden handles at the ends, held by the executioner.

Since World War II, the garrote has been regularly employed as a weapon by soldiers as a silent means of killing sentries and other enemy personnel. Instruction in the use of purpose-built and improvised garrotes is included in the training of many elite military units and special forces.

In summary, a garrote is a weapon used to strangle a person, usually a handheld ligature made of chain, rope, scarf, wire, or fishing line. It has been used as an assassination weapon and as a method of execution, and since World War II, it has been regularly employed as a weapon by soldiers as a silent means of killing sentries and other enemy personnel.