what is a glass child

11 months ago 18

A glass child is not a medical condition or diagnosis, but rather a colloquial term used to describe the challenges and unique strengths of the siblings of children with chronic illnesses or disabilities. The term "glass child" is used because parents of children with disabilities tend to see right through the needs of their other children and focus only on the child with the disability, leaving the other child feeling invisible. Glass children often take on caretaker responsibilities and feel pressure to be perfect and problem-free. They may also experience emotional neglect and struggle with setting boundaries and people-pleasing. Although glass children may appear strong, they have needs that are not being met.

It is important for parents to spend quality one-on-one time with their glass child to let them know that they are loved, valued, and cared for. Friends and family members can also play a role in supporting glass children by spending time with them and expressing unconditional love frequently. Fortunately, there are resources available to help glass children, such as sibshops for young children.