what is a hogshead

11 months ago 21

A hogshead is a large cask of liquid, primarily used for alcoholic beverages such as wine, ale, or cider. It is also a unit of liquid measurement, with a standardized hogshead measuring 48 inches long and 30 inches in diameter at the head, and containing at least 550 liters or 121 imperial gallons or 145 US gallons, depending on the width in the middle. However, the American Heritage Dictionary claims that a hogshead can consist of anything from 62.5 to 140 US gallons, or 52 to 117 imperial gallons, or 237 to 530 liters. The term "hogshead" is also used in the measurement of sugar in Louisiana and for herring fished for sardines in Blacks Harbour, New Brunswick. The origin of the term "hogshead" is uncertain, but it is believed to be rooted in many languages, including Dutch and Scottish.