what is a maduro cigar

11 months ago 16

A Maduro cigar is a cigar that has a dark brown, black, or purple-black wrapper. The term "Maduro" is Spanish for "mature" or "ripe". Maduro wrappers are made from matured leaves that have gone through a natural fermentation process, resulting in a darker leaf. The color of the wrapper is determined by the degree of fermentation. Maduro cigars are not necessarily stronger than other cigars, but some Maduro cigars can be strong. The flavor profile of a Maduro cigar can include molasses, coffee, or chocolaty flavors. The end product is determined by the type of leaf used, and not all leaves can be used as a Maduro wrapper. Natural cigars are lighter in color than Maduro cigars and are traditionally smoother with milder flavors. People who are new to cigar smoking are usually advised to try Natural cigars before smoking a Maduro cigar.