what is a motion to table

11 months ago 25

In parliamentary procedure, the motion to table is a motion used to postpone or suspend consideration of a pending motion). To "table" a motion means to lay aside the business at hand in such a manner that it will be considered later in the meeting or at another time. The motion to table is a preferential motion and is said to be of high privilege. It is important to note that the use of expressions such as "tabling a motion" for setting aside or killing a main motion can cause confusion due to the usage of such expressions in the United Kingdom and Commonwealth countries, where they have the opposite meaning—that is, to propose a motion for consideration).

It is preferable to avoid moving "to table" a motion, or "that the motion be tabled"). Improper use of tabling a motion can occur when a main motion is improperly killed by tabling it. In this case, it would have been proper to make a motion to postpone indefinitely. To kill a motion at the time it is tabled requires a 2/3 vote, while a majority is required to table a motion without killing it. The motion may be taken from the table after one item of business has been conducted. If the motion is not taken from the table by the end of the next meeting, it is dead.