what is a platonic friendship

11 months ago 18

A platonic friendship is a close friendship between two people who are not dating or having sex. It is a non-sexual relationship between two people who have a close and meaningful connection, but it does not have a romantic element. Platonic friendships can be very close and meaningful, and you might love this person in the same way you love a brother or sister. Examples could include a friendship between two gay men, two gay women, or a heterosexual man and a heterosexual woman.

It is important to note that any type of romantic behavior being present in the relationship can move it into the friends-with-benefits or relationship territory. Platonic friendships are intentional and mutual, and both people honestly want to be friends. Boundaries are one of the most important elements of maintaining a healthy platonic friendship. They help protect your emotional well-being, and by honoring another person’s boundaries, you demonstrate respect for their needs.

Platonic friendships offer you places to be "seen, witnessed, and heard," which is invaluable for your self-esteem and well-being. They are deeper than regular friendships and may be made up of traits related to intimacy, such as those that encourage emotional support, caring, and empathy. Your platonic friends are those within your inner circle, the people you trust the most, and the ones you know care about you for who you are.