what is a postal address

11 months ago 30

A postal address is an address to which mail can be sent. It is a collection of information presented in a mostly fixed format used to give the location of a building, apartment, or other structure or a plot of land, generally using political boundaries. A postal address is made up of components such as street number, street name, city, state/province, postal code, country, and any other relevant information. Different countries have different methods for storing and organizing postal address information, but the basic components remain the same. Postal addresses usually correspond to a single geographic location, often provided by a Post Office or other government agency. A postal address can be used for complex queries such as finding the most efficient route to deliver parcels, create maps for taxation and voter registration, or calculate distances between locations. It is important to note that a postal address is not necessarily the same as a residential address, as a postal address is an address where you receive your mail, while a residential address is the physical location of your home.