what is a remit

11 months ago 21

A remit can have different meanings depending on the context. Here are some possible definitions based on the search results:

  • As a verb: To send money, a check, or other forms of payment to a person or place, usually in payment. To lay aside a mood or disposition, partly or wholly; to desist from an activity. To release from the guilt or penalty of sins; to refrain from exacting or canceling a penalty; to give relief from suffering. To transmit or send something, such as a message or document. To abate for a time or at intervals, as a fever.

  • As a noun: An area of responsibility or authority, usually singular. A destination for sending checks and invoices. Money that is sent from one party to another, usually in another country.

In summary, a remit can refer to sending money or other forms of payment, releasing from guilt or penalty, transmitting something, or having an area of responsibility or authority. It can also refer to a destination for sending checks and invoices or money that is sent from one party to another.