what is a snipe

11 months ago 24

A snipe can refer to two different things: a type of bird or a practical joke known as a snipe hunt.

  • Bird: A snipe is any of about 26 wading bird species in three genera in the family Scolopacidae. They are characterized by a very long, slender bill, eyes placed high on the head, and cryptic/camouflaging plumage. Snipes search for invertebrates in the mud with a "sewing-machine" action of their long bills. The sensitivity of the bill is caused by filaments belonging to the fifth pair of nerves, which run almost to the tip and open immediately under the soft cuticle in a series of cells; a similar adaptation is found in sandpipers.

  • Practical Joke: A snipe hunt is a type of practical joke or fools errand, in which an unsuspecting person is duped into searching for an imaginary creature called a snipe. The victim is typically led to an outdoor spot at night and given a bag or pillowcase along with instructions that can include either waiting quietly or making odd noises to attract the creatures. The other group members leave, promising to chase the snipe toward the newcomer; instead, they return home or to camp, leaving the victim(s) of the prank alone in the dark to discover that they have been duped and left "holding the bag".

Its worth noting that the tools and techniques used in a snipe hunt are actually based on real tools and techniques for catching real snipe.