what is a therapeutic massage

11 months ago 48

Therapeutic massage is a type of massage that is used to treat physical and mental ailments. It is a holistic approach to health and wellness that combines manual manipulation of the body’s soft tissues, such as the muscles, ligaments, tendons, and fascia, to help reduce tension, improve circulation, and promote healing. A therapeutic massage is specifically tailored to help you recover from an injury, reduce pain, and improve your overall physical and mental health. It is a form of bodywork that uses various techniques to manipulate the body’s soft tissues. Some of the techniques used in therapeutic massage include kneading, stroking, friction, and percussion. The therapist may also use tools to help with the massage.

Therapeutic massage is different from deep tissue massage, which is a specific type of therapeutic massage. Other types of therapeutic massage include neuromuscular massage, myofascial massage, and trigger point massage. The massage therapist will apply specific techniques and the right amount of pressure to address your needs, which may not always require a deep tissue massage.

Overall, therapeutic massage is a type of massage that is tailored to the individual and is used to treat specific medical conditions. It can be a great addition to a treatment plan for physical and mental health issues.