what is a trn number

11 months ago 34

A TRN (Transaction Reference Number) is a unique identifier assigned to a financial transaction, such as a wire transfer, online payment, or credit card transaction. It serves as a reference point for both the sender and the receiver, and without a TRN, it can be difficult to track a transaction and ensure that it has been processed correctly. TRNs are typically alphanumeric codes that may include a combination of letters, numbers, and symbols.

However, a TRN can also refer to a Tax Registration Number, which is issued by Revenue when you register for tax as a sole trader, trust, partnership, or company. You must use your TRN when trading and filing your tax returns as a sole trader, trust, partnership, or company. In Jamaica, a TRN is a unique nine-digit identification number assigned to each individual taxpayer, business enterprise, or organization.

In addition, a TRN can also be used to identify individual payment or securities settlement instructions. The term TRN can have different meanings depending on the context in which it is used.