what is a wicken

1 year ago 122

A "wicken" is not a recognized term or concept in the context of religion, spirituality, or any other field. It may be a misspelling or a misinterpretation of the term "Wiccan," which refers to a follower of Wicca, a modern Pagan, or Neo-Pagan, religion. Wicca emerged in England during the 1950s and is now primarily found in Western countries, with the number of Wiccans estimated to be in the low hundreds of thousands. Wiccans typically identify as witches and draw inspiration from the pre-Christian religions of Europe, North Africa, and western Asia. They often use the pentagram, or five-pointed star, as the main symbol of their religion.

Wicca is a nature-based, pagan belief system that worships nature, often personifying it. It is a diverse religion with internal diversity in its beliefs and practices, primarily due to the absence of a single leader or centralized governing body. While many Wiccans claim to draw inspiration from ancient cultures, such as pre-Christian Anglo-Saxon and Celtic traditions, it can be seen as a religion for the 21st century.