what is an absent seizure

11 months ago 18

An absence seizure is a type of seizure that involves brief, sudden lapses of consciousness. They are also known as petit mal seizures. Absence seizures are caused by brief abnormal electrical activity in a persons brain. They usually begin in both sides of the brain at the same time. Symptoms of an absence seizure include a vacant stare, which may be mistaken for a brief lapse in attention, and sudden stop in activity without falling. Other symptoms include lip smacking, eyelid flutters, chewing motions, finger rubbing, and small movements of both hands. The seizure lasts about 10 seconds, though it may last as long as 30 seconds. Theres no confusion, headache, or drowsiness after the seizure. However, injury can result during the period when the person loses consciousness, particularly if someone is driving a car or riding a bike when the seizure happens. Absence seizures usually affect only a persons awareness of what is going on at that time, with immediate recovery. They usually occur in children between ages 4 to 14, but its possible to have an absence seizure at any age. Absence seizures usually can be controlled with anti-seizure medicines.