what is an asana

11 months ago 68

Asana is a Sanskrit word meaning "posture," "seat," or "place"

. In the context of yoga, asana refers to the physical positions or postures assumed during a hatha yoga practice

. Asanas can be found in various styles of yoga, such as Vinyasa, Ashtanga, Restorative, and Bikram

. The Yoga Sutras of Patanjali define asana as a "steady and comfortable posture"

. Asana is traditionally used for meditation and can be combined with pranayama practices such as ujjayi or kapalbhati to enhance the benefits of the poses

. In modern yoga, asana is often used to describe any type of position, including reclining, standing, inverted, twisting, and balancing poses

. Asanas are named after various things, such as plants, insects, fish, and amphibians, as well as legendary heroes, sages, and avatars of Hindu gods

. In addition to its use in yoga, Asana is also the name of a work management platform that helps teams and organizations manage their work, projects, and tasks

. The platform allows users to set company-wide goals, manage strategic plans, and collaborate on projects across departments and tools

. Asana is accessible via desktop app, web browser, and mobile app for both Android and iOS users