what is an autistic shutdown

11 months ago 21

An autistic shutdown is a coping mechanism that occurs when an autistic person becomes overwhelmed and goes into a mental "shutdown" mode. It is a response to extreme overload or stress and is a more muted reaction compared to a meltdown. During a shutdown, an autistic person may become completely silent, stare, become unresponsive to others, and feel "far away". They may also assume a monotone voice and have difficulty communicating. Shutdowns can be triggered by various situations, including unexpected changes in routines or plans, sensory overload, emotional overload, stress, and pain or illness. Autistic shutdowns are not the same as stonewalling, which is a deliberate attempt to avoid communication. The best remedy for a shutdown is to give the person space to rest, recuperate, and recover without placing additional demands on them. Shutdowns can be a reset for an autistic person, and they can recover from them after a period of time.