what is an indie movie

11 months ago 23

An indie film, or independent movie, is a feature film or short film that is produced outside the major film studio system and is produced and distributed by independent entertainment companies. These films are usually made with smaller budgets and lack the financial backing of major movie studios or production companies. Independent films are often characterized by limited release, often at independent movie theaters, but they can also have major marketing campaigns and a wide release. Independent films are often screened at local, national, or international film festivals before distribution (theatrical or retail release) . The marketing of independent films can vary, but they are often marketed towards niche audiences. While some indie films may have big-name actors, it is more likely that lesser-known actors or even unknown actors will be cast. The lines between what is considered an indie film and what is not have become blurred in recent years, as major studios have acquired indie production companies and created subsidiary companies to produce studio-financed "indies".