what is an orthopedic mattress

1 year ago 69

An orthopedic mattress is a type of mattress designed to provide support to the joints, back, and overall body. It is typically recommended for people who sleep with pain, people who are in active recovery from injury, seniors, and athletes or other people who are active. Orthopedic mattresses are designed to support the body's musculoskeletal system, especially common trouble areas like the spine and joints. They typically have a high-quality construction that includes supportive materials like high-firmer latex, or innerspring coils. Orthopedic beds are meant to offer better spinal alignment through enhanced support. However, the term "orthopedic mattress" has largely become a marketing term, as there are no government regulations or standards to prove that one mattress is better than another. Therefore, it is important to research and consult with a doctor to choose the right mattress.