what is an oxtail

11 months ago 21

Oxtail is a cut of beef that comes from the tail of the cow. It is often cut into thick pieces or chunks and is high in gelatin, which requires long and slow braising to release its deep flavors. Oxtail is a popular delicacy in many countries, including South America, the Caribbean, Africa, China, Italy, Russia, Spain, and the Middle East. It is often used to make stews, soups, and casseroles, and lends itself to low and slow moist cooking. Oxtail is sold in sections, and since it is really a tail, it is thick at one end and thin at the other. If you have difficulty finding oxtails in your locale, you can substitute meaty veal or beef neck, short rib, shank, or other various soup bones, but do not expect quite as robust a flavor.