what is aphrodisiac chocolate

11 months ago 96

Aphrodisiac chocolate is chocolate that is infused with herbs or chemicals that are believed to increase sexual desire, pleasure, or behavior. These chocolates are made to enhance blood flow to the genitals, which can help people have a better sexual experience. Some of the herbs and chemicals that are commonly used in aphrodisiac chocolate include ginseng, yohimbe, damiana, tryptophan, and phenylethylamine. However, there is no solid evidence that natural aphrodisiac foods of any kind, including chocolate, actually exist. The aphrodisiac qualities of chocolate are probably more psychological than physical. While some people claim that aphrodisiac chocolate works wonders, others say that it is only a placebo. Therefore, it is best to keep in mind that aphrodisiacs are not magic, and they do not "make" you horny. They enhance horniness, but for them to "work," you need to be horny already.