what is arancini balls

1 year ago 96

Arancini balls are a popular Italian street food that originated in Sicily. They are essentially breaded and fried balls of risotto with a stuffed center, typically made with mozzarella cheese. The cooled risotto is rolled into balls, stuffed with the filling, and dredged in flour, egg, and breadcrumbs before frying until crispy and golden. The most common fillings for arancini are ragù (meat or mince, slow-cooked at low temperature with tomato sauce and spices), mozzarella or caciocavallo cheese, and often peas. Other regional variants exist which differ in their fillings and shape. Arancini are coated in a light layer of fine Italian breadcrumbs and the rice is compacted, so they hardly soak up any oil and do not have the taste or mouthfeel of a deep-fried food. They are typically served warm and can be enjoyed as a snack or as a meal.