what is arousal in sport

11 months ago 18

Arousal in sport refers to the level of activation, alertness, and anxiety experienced by an athlete. It is a psychological state of alertness and anticipation that prepares the body for action. The inverted U theory proposes that sporting performance improves as arousal levels increase but that there is a threshold point. Any increase in arousal beyond the threshold point will worsen performance. At low arousal levels, performance quality is low. This is described as under-arousal or boredom and might be experienced by an elite tennis player playing a lowly ranked opponent. At medium arousal levels, sporting performance peaks. This can be described as optimal arousal and might be experienced when a boxer gets themselves in the right zone to perform at their best. At high arousal levels, performance quality deteriorates. This can be described as panic and might explain why a football player performs very poorly when their team is losing 3-0.

To achieve optimal performance, athletes need to find the right balance of arousal levels. If arousal is too low, they might not feel up to the task, but if it’s too high, they may choke or make crucial mistakes. Athletes should find what works for them and adjust their arousal levels accordingly. They need to come up with their own pre-game rituals and routines to facilitate the correct level of arousal. If athletes feel too aroused, they can use imagery, positive self-talk, progressive muscle relaxation, or perform deep breathing exercises to reduce stress.