what is backcountry camping

11 months ago 17

Backcountry camping is a type of camping that involves setting up camp in remote areas that are not designated camping sites. It is also known as wild camping or dispersed camping. Backcountry camping is different from regular camping because it requires carrying everything you need on your back and venturing to your campsite on foot. This type of camping lets you explore remote areas that arent surrounded by others, instead of a campsite next to public bathrooms or loud neighbors. Some examples of backcountry camping adventures include backpacking, water trips (rafts, canoes, boats), and climbing (rock, mountain, ice) . When you venture into the backcountry, you enter a world filled with challenge, solitude, and excitement, and many people thrive off of this experience. However, backcountry camping isnt for everyone, as the comforts of everyday life are gone. It is important to plan ahead, let someone know where youre going, and be prepared for the worst.