what is bpm in healthcare

11 months ago 22

BPM stands for Business Process Management, and it is a set of methods and technologies aimed at analyzing, optimizing, harmonizing, and eventually automating the clinical workflow through the holistic re-engineering of its sub-components, namely healthcare processes. BPM in healthcare plays a crucial role in improving process efficiencies, and it can help healthcare organizations take advantage of data, respond proactively to changes in the industry, reduce errors, and streamline processes to provide higher levels of patient care. Here are some ways BPM can transform healthcare processes:

  • Automate non-value add tasks and eliminate non-value-added ones: BPM software can help automate tasks that do not add value to the healthcare process, such as data entry, scheduling, and billing.

  • Maintain requisite records and process performance data: BPM software can help maintain records and process performance data to demonstrate process compliance during audits.

  • Improve operational efficiency: The goal of BPM is to use automation to simplify processes and increase operational efficiency to meet business objectives and sustain.

  • Streamline administrative tasks: BPM can help streamline administrative tasks, such as patient onboarding, medical records management, patient release, and medicine allocation, to be performed more quickly and efficiently.

  • Drive Big Pharma clinical trials: BPM can drive Big Pharma clinical trials and be useful in streamlining FDA approval of new medications.

  • Improve patient care: BPM can help deliver more consistent and relevant patient care. When BPM is at the core of a healthcare organization’s approach to business, it allows people, systems, and information to interact with greater consistency.

BPM is recognized as a major trend in healthcare, and it has the potential to change the way the business of healthcare is accomplished, with less waste and more cost savings.