what is breadcrumbing in dating

11 months ago 23

Breadcrumbing is a term used in modern dating and relationships to describe a behavior in which one person sends intermittent and often vague messages to keep another person interested without any intention of genuine commitment or progression in the relationship. Breadcrumbers string others along with sporadic and vague communication, whether through text messages, social media interactions, or face-to-face contact. They give just enough time and attention to keep the other person interested, but they dont want to commit. Some common signs of breadcrumbing include inconsistent communication, not following up about plans, and responding inconsistently. Victims of breadcrumbing may get so hung up on the wonderful things that the other person tells them that they dont take a step back to evaluate if the persons actions are lining up with their words. Breadcrumbing can lead to frustration, confusion, and disappointment for the person who is being "breadcrumbed" as they are left with a false sense of hope for a future relationship.