what is buddhist heaven called

11 months ago 47

In Buddhism, there are several heavens or worlds of existence that beings can be reborn into. The 26 heavens are collectively called sagga (Sanskrit svarga) . These heavens are divided into kama, rupa, and arupa lokas. The kama lokas are the six sensual heavens, which are attained by virtuous deeds and the practice of Buddha Dharma. The six sensual heavens in Theravada Buddhism are:

  • The heaven of the Four Great Kings
  • The heaven of the Thirty-three Gods
  • The heaven of the Yama Devas
  • The heaven of the Tusita Devas
  • The heaven of the Nimmanarati Devas
  • The heaven of the Paranimmita Vasavatti Devas

The other heavens, rupa and arupa lokas, are attained through meditation and are not related to sensual pleasure. The Trāyastriṃśa heaven is an important world of the devas in the Buddhist cosmology. However, it is important to note that Buddhist teachings emphasize that heavenly life is not a desirable end since it does not free one from suffering and rebirth.