what is camel case

11 months ago 22

Camel case is a way of writing phrases without spaces or punctuation and with capitalized words. It is a naming convention used in computer programming and other areas such as text. In camel case, the first word starts with either case, then the following words have an initial uppercase letter. There are two types of camel case: upper camel case and lower camel case. Upper camel case requires the first letter to be capitalized, while lower camel case requires an initial lowercase letter. Some programming styles prefer camel case with the first letter capitalized, others not.

Camel case is distinct from several other styles, including title case, Tall Man lettering, and snake case. It is used in some wiki markup languages for terms that should be automatically linked to other wiki pages. Many companies and technologies use CamelCase to create new words out of existing words that can be registered as trademarks. Camel case is also used in file names, as it is more convenient than using spaces in file names.

The primary purpose behind using camel casing is to make code less difficult to read and understand by putting related terms together into a single word while also keeping them distinct enough so they stand out against their surrounding terms. Additionally, by having all terms capitalized, this makes spotting typos much easier when scanning your program quickly before executing it - thereby helping reduce errors in your code.