what is candy corn flavor

1 year ago 62

Candy corn is a small, pyramid-shaped candy that is typically divided into three sections of different colors, with a waxy texture and a flavor based on honey, sugar, and other ingredients

. The actual flavor of candy corn is a blend of creamy fondant, rich marshmallow, and warm vanilla notes, which together create the distinct candy corn taste

. The texture of candy corn is also important, as it should be creamy and smooth, never coarse

. Candy corn is made with various ingredients, including sugar, corn syrup, salt, sesame oil, honey, artificial flavor, food colorings, gelatin, and confectioner's glaze

. The confectioner's glaze is made from lac resin, a bug secretion

. Some popular variations of candy corn flavors include caramel apple, green apple, s'mores, pumpkin spice, carrot cake, and birthday cake

. The Jelly Belly Candy Company, which makes candy corn, states that the flavor of their candy corn is a wonderful blend of creamy fondant, rich marshmallow, and warm vanilla notes