what is colonics

11 months ago 27

Colonics, also known as colonic irrigation or colon cleansing, is a procedure that involves flushing out the colon from the bottom with large amounts of water. During the procedure, a tube is inserted into the rectum while the patient lies on a table, and a large amount of water is pushed through the tube to flush the colon. The water is then released through the colon in a way similar to a bowel movement.

The practice of colon cleansing dates back thousands of years and is often marketed as a way to maintain colon health or address issues such as bloating, colitis, constipation, and indigestion. However, there is no scientific evidence to support the use of colonics for these purposes, and in fact, they can be harmful.

The FDA regulates colonic irrigation systems, but just because the equipment is regulated, it doesnt mean the procedure is recommended by medical experts. Colon cleansing can cause electrolyte imbalances in the colon and tears in the bowel, among other complications. Its also important to note that colon cleanses do not replace the need for regular screenings with a doctor.

In summary, colonics involve flushing out the colon with large amounts of water, but there is no scientific evidence to support their use and they can be harmful. Its important to talk to a doctor before considering a colon cleanse and to not confuse it with a colonoscopy screening.