what is cream of tartar

11 months ago 17

Cream of tartar is a dry, powdery, acidic byproduct of winemaking called potassium bitartrate, aka potassium hydrogen tartrate or tartaric acid. It is a versatile ingredient used in baking, cooking, and cleaning. Here are some of its uses:

  • Baking: Cream of tartar is used to stabilize egg whites, preventing the egg proteins from bonding and resulting in a smooth, billowy meringue. It is also used to add flavor to cookies, as in the acidity it adds to snickerdoodles, providing them with their characteristic tang. A variety of different recipes call for cream of tartar, such as sugar cookies, angel food cake, and meringue cookies.

  • Cooking: Cream of tartar is used in caramel sauces and fudge to help prevent the sugar from crystallizing while cooking.

  • Cleaning: Cream of tartar can be used to clean coffee stains and other stubborn stains.

Cream of tartar has a long shelf life as long as it is kept in an airtight container away from moisture and pests. If you dont have cream of tartar on hand, you can use substitutes such as buttermilk, lemon juice or white vinegar, or baking powder.