what is distilled water

11 months ago 23

Distilled water is a type of purified water that has gone through a process of boiling and condensation to remove impurities and minerals. The impurities in the original water that do not boil below or near the boiling point of water remain in the original container, while the resulting condensed liquid is distilled water. Distilled water is considered the purest form of water, with 99.9% of minerals, chemicals, and pollutants removed. It is commonly used in medical tools and procedures, lab tests, and cosmetic purposes. Although distilled water is safe to drink, it lacks beneficial minerals, and its taste is flatter and less flavorful than tap and bottled waters. However, it is recommended over tap water if the towns water is tainted with harmful chemicals or pesticides. Bottled distilled water can be found in supermarkets or pharmacies, and home water distillers are available as well.