what is epidural delivery

1 year ago 56

An epidural is a numming medicine given by inserting a needle and a catheter (a small, flexible tube) into the lower part of a woman's back, providing pain relief during labor

. It is the most common and effective type of anesthetic for pain relief during labor, and an estimated 70-75% of women who give birth use an epidural

. The procedure involves the following steps:

  1. The patient is asked to arch her back and remain still while lying on her left side or sitting up
  1. An antiseptic solution is used to wipe the waistline area of the mid-back to minimize infection risk
  1. A small area on the back is injected with a local anesthetic to numb it
  1. A needle is inserted into the numbed area surrounding the spinal cord in the lower back
  1. The needle is removed, but the catheter remains in place to deliver pain medication as needed throughout labor

Epidurals create a band of numbness from the belly button to the top of the legs, allowing women to stay awake and feel the pressure of labor but without the pain

. They are typically used during the first stage of labor and can be combined with other medications, such as opioids or narcotics, to enhance pain relief

. Epidurals do not increase the risk of needing a cesarean section

. Some advantages of an epidural include:

  • Pain relief: An epidural blocks nerve impulses from the lower spinal segments, resulting in decreased sensation in the lower half of the body
  • Patient awareness: Unlike general anesthesia, an epidural allows the patient to remain awake and alert during labor
  • Flexibility: Epidurals can be adjusted in concentration to promote normal spontaneous vaginal delivery without significantly increasing the risk of complications

However, there are some potential side effects and risks associated with epidurals, such as slowing labor or leading to a cesarean delivery (C-section)

. It is essential to consult with a healthcare professional to determine the most appropriate pain relief method for your specific situation and preferences.