what is external motivation

11 months ago 23

External motivation refers to motivation that is driven by external rewards or consequences. These rewards can be tangible, such as money or grades, or intangible, like praise from others. Examples of external motivation include completing a task or behaving in a certain way to receive a reward or avoid a negative outcome or consequence. External motivation is different from internal motivation, which comes from within an individual and is determined by their own values and goals.

Individuals who are externally motivated may not be interested in the actual task itself, but rather in the rewards or consequences that come from completing the task. For example, children who are given allowances for completing weekly household chores may be motivated by the money they will receive, rather than the actual task of doing the chores.

It is important to note that external motivation can be effective, but it is often less effective than internal motivation. When individuals are motivated by outside sources, they may not be as invested in the task or activity, and their motivation may decrease once the external rewards or consequences are removed. Therefore, it is important to balance external and internal motivation to achieve the best results.