what is feng shui mean

11 months ago 23

Feng shui is an ancient Chinese traditional practice that claims to use energy forces to harmonize individuals with their surrounding environment. The term feng shui means "wind-water" in Chinese, and it is derived from the belief that landscapes and bodies of water direct the flow of the universal Qi, or cosmic current, through places and structures. Feng shui includes astronomical, astrological, architectural, cosmological, geographical, and topographical dimensions. Historically, feng shui was used to orient buildings and spiritually significant structures such as tombs, as well as dwellings and other structures. In contemporary Western societies, feng shui tends to be reduced to interior design for health and wealth. The primary underlying value of feng shui was material success for the living. Feng shui is a diverse series of practices that vary across history and regions. The goal of feng shui is to harness energy forces and establish harmony between an individual and their environment. Some basic principles of feng shui include decluttering, keeping traffic flow open, and balancing colors. Feng shui is grounded in the philosophy that arranging objects, colors, and environments can achieve harmony and balance by harnessing and encouraging positive energies, or Chi.