what is formal and informal communication

11 months ago 18

Formal and informal communication are two types of communication that differ in their structure, channels, and purpose. Here are the key differences between formal and informal communication:

Formal Communication:

  • Refers to the flow of official information through proper, predefined channels and routes.
  • Follows a hierarchical chain of command.
  • Is designed at the organizational level.
  • Is backed by predefined channels and has a paper trail.
  • Uses formal language and avoids slang words.
  • Is documented, and documentation happens for formal communication.
  • Is considered more reliable than informal communication.
  • Is slower than informal communication due to bureaucracy.
  • Has a long chain of command.

Informal Communication:

  • Refers to communication that is multi-dimensional and moves freely within the organization.
  • Is not bound by predefined channels and communication routes.
  • Is more relational than formal communication and is...