what is genetic screening

11 months ago 23

Genetic screening is the process of testing a population for a genetic disease to identify a subgroup of people who either have the disease or the potential to pass it on to their offspring. It is different from genetic testing, which is focused on an individual. Genetic testing looks for changes, sometimes called mutations or variants, in a persons DNA to confirm or rule out a suspected genetic condition or determine their chance of developing or passing on a genetic disorder. There are many different kinds of genetic tests, including gene tests, chromosomal genetic tests, and biochemical genetic tests.

There are different types of genetic screening, including prenatal screening tests, carrier screening, and panel genetic tests. Prenatal screening tests can tell parents-to-be the chances that their fetus has certain genetic disorders. Carrier screening is done on parents or those thinking about becoming parents to find out whether they carry a gene for certain inherited disorders. Panel genetic tests look for changes in many genes in one test and are usually grouped in categories based on different kinds of medical concerns.

Genetic screening is a type of public health program that is systematically offered to a specified population of asymptomatic individuals with the aim of identifying those at risk of a genetic disease. It is voluntary, and the decision about whether to be tested is a personal and complex one. Geneticists or genetic counselors can provide information about the pros and cons of the test and discuss the social and emotional aspects of testing.