what is global delay

11 months ago 27

Global developmental delay (GDD) is a term used when a child takes longer to reach certain developmental milestones than other children their age. It is an umbrella term used when children are significantly delayed in their cognitive and physical development. GDD can be diagnosed when a child is delayed in one or more milestones, categorized into motor skills, speech, and other areas of development. Children with GDD typically present with a delay in multiple developmental areas, including speech and language, social, cognition, play, and motor skills. GDD can be caused by learning disabilities, genetic disorders such as Down syndrome, Fragile X syndrome, and GLUT1 Deficiency Syndrome, or environmental factors such as difficulties during pregnancy including exposure to toxins. The specific management of children with GDD will depend on their individual needs and underlying diagnosis, and early intervention is essential to support the child to reach their full potential. Specialists involved in the management of GDD in children include speech therapists, physical therapists, vision therapists, occupational therapists, music therapists, hearing specialists (Audiologist), developmental pediatricians, and neurologists.