what is hanukkah

1 year ago 53

Hanukkah, also spelled Ḥanukka, Chanukah, or Chanukkah, is a Jewish festival that begins on Kislev 25, usually in December according to the Gregorian calendar, and is celebrated for eight days

. The festival reaffirms the ideals of Judaism and commemorates the rededication of the Second Temple of Jerusalem by the lighting of candles on each day of the festival

. Hanukkah is also known as the Feast of Dedication, Festival of Lights, or Feast of the Maccabees

. The origin of Hanukkah dates back to the Maccabean (Hasmonean) victories over the forces of the Seleucid king Antiochus IV Epiphanes and the rededication of the Temple on Kislev 25, 164 BCE

. The festival was instituted to mark the recovery of Jerusalem and the subsequent rededication of the Second Temple

. Key aspects of Hanukkah include:

  • Lighting the Menorah : Jews light a candleholder called a menorah for eight nights, with one candle added and lit each night

. The menorah holds nine candles, including one for each night and a candle called the shamash, used to light the other candles

  • Special Blessings and Prayers : During the festival, people recite special blessings and prayers while lighting the candles
  • Fried Foods : Hanukkah is known for its fried foods, such as potato pancakes called latkes and jelly donuts

Hanukkah is celebrated in all the countries of the Diaspora with dances, speeches, melody, song, outings, and parades

. The festival has gained major cultural significance in North America and elsewhere, especially among secular Jews, due to its proximity to Christmas during the festive season